Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
A conversation with Tom Knight, President and CEO of Invistics. Tom explains the differences and how computer software learns to detect patterns of drug diversion in healthcare facilities to help predict and detect when medications are at risk from being stolen or diverted from patients. This isn’t Skynet or K.I.T.T., tune in and find out the differences between AI and Data Integration.
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
State PDMP vs a National PDMP - Dispelling myths, other arguments and outdated ideas
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
The argument for keeping State prescription drug monitoring programs and dispelling the myths about interoperability between states and other outdated reasons to enact a federally run PDMP. A conversation with Steve Schierholt, the Executive Director of the Ohio Board of Pharmacy and Jason Slavoski, the PDMP Administrator for the Delaware Division of Professional Regulations. They discuss the states sharing data through Prescription Monitoring Information Exchange or PMIX it's success which dispels one of the myths for the push to have a national database. They also discuss other issues and correct the record about state run PDMP's.
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
NASCSA Executive Director Kathy Keough and President Joe Fontenot discuss what the Executive Board has been doing for the membership so far this year, including making contingency plans as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. They also explain NASCSA’s various committees, what they do and how they function to lead NASCSA on a yearly basis. Kathy and Joe also discuss NASCSA’s annual conference and it’s importance to the organization including the regular and associate members.
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
A conversation with Dr. Lynn Webster about the Coronavirus Pandemic's affect on pain management and addiction therapy. Also discussed is poly-drug use, methamphetamine, cocaine and other drugs. Having conducted extensive research and authoring over 300 scientific publications and abstracts as well as authoring the award winning book, The Painful Truth, Dr. Webster shares his expertise and incite on this issue.
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
CEO of the Esper Treatment Center, Jennifer Esper, shares her nearly 20 years of experience in providing MAT or Medicated Assisted Treatment to those suffering with Opioid Use Disorder. She discusses the deadly combinations of drugs seen today, deadly consequences of quitting "Cold Turkey" for some drugs, and other issues. She also reveals something called "Methadonia" and explores how Opioid Use Disorder has morphed into the use of any and all drugs which is the basis for the term "Garbage Can Addicts".
This podcast was recorded prior to the Coronavirus Pandemic and the CDC recommendations of Social / Physical Distancing.
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
The Importance of Safely Disposing of Unused and Unwanted Medications
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
The importance of destroying unused medications cannot be overstated. As a pharmacist with a law degree and former director of the Office of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs in Delaware, Dave Dryden takes a look back at one of the first drug take back programs in the United States and discusses some ways individuals can prevent medications from falling into the wrong hands. We also speak with Kari Miller from Rx Destroyer as they provide simple, safe and affordable solutions for the average person to discard unwanted or unused medications.
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
The ACE Study and Drug Abuse
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
On this episode, we discuss the ACE Study or Adverse Childhood Experience Study with Dr. Susan Maloney of Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Maloney is board certified as a Family Nurse Practitioner and a Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. The ACE Study has been called the “The single most important public health study that most healthcare providers don’t know about”. The study revealed the damaging effects of trauma on children, which results in long-term negative health affects, including the startleing statistics regarding a vulnerability to drug and alcohol addiction.
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Tribute to Bill Ward
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Interviews with Kathy Keough, John Gadea and Danna Droz as they share memories and pay tribute to their longtime friend and colleague, Bill Ward. Bill was the former Director of Connecticut's State Controlled Substance Authority and a long-time member of NASCSA who contributed so much to NASCSA and his colleagues.